Outdoorsy Vibes


The purpose of this space is to provide camping advice focused on camping destinations, camping gear, camping tips and outdoor hacks.

Let's embark on this exciting journey together and inspire each other to learn, grow, and explore in the beauty of nature!

 About me

As an adventure-seeking mom of two, a learning and development practitioner, instructional designer, and e-learning developer, I'm passionate about combining my love for the outdoors with my expertise in learning and development. 

In this blog, I'll be sharing my experiences, tips, and insights on how to make the most of outdoor adventures with kids, while also incorporating valuable learning opportunities. From camping and hiking with little ones to creating engaging e-learning modules for outdoor education, I'll cover a wide range of topics that are perfect for fellow outdoor-loving parents and anyone interested in outdoor learning. 

Join me as I navigate the joys and challenges of parenting in the great outdoors, while also leveraging my professional expertise to create meaningful learning experiences for my kids and other adventurers alike. 
